使命と理念 | Vision and Values
Core Purpose | 存在意義
We exist to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
Vision | ビジョン
真の「グレースセンター」となるために ― 共同体では*人々が:
To become a true “grace center” — a community where *people:
experience peace, hope, and rest in the gospel of Jesus Christ;キリストの弟子としてキリストの恵みと知識のうちに成長する。
grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ as his disciples; and仙台から東北、そして世界に恵みの福音を広める。
extend the gospel of grace to Sendai, Tohoku, and the world.
* 私たちは多くの異なる民族的、文化的な背景を持ち、神の摂理によって多様性のある共同体として成長してきました。この多様性を感謝し、どなたでも歓迎します。それでも私たちの内なる願いは、日本にある教会として、さらに多くの日本人がキリストへの信仰に導かれることです。
* By God’s providence we have grown into a diverse community of people from many different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. We celebrate this diversity and welcome everyone. Yet as a church in Japan, our heart’s desire is to see more Japanese come to faith in Christ.
Foundation: The Gospel of Grace | 礎:恵みの福音
Our foundational core value is the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel is the good news of what God has done in the death and resurrection of Jesus and the gift of the Spirit to redeem sinful humanity and restore the fallen creation under His gracious rule.
Demonstrated by:
Submitting to the Word of God as our final authority in faith and in life. *イエスを中心に保ち、恵みのメッセージを明確にする。
Keeping Jesus central and the message of grace clear.心と人生を変えてくださる聖霊の力に信頼する。
Trusting in the power of the Holy Spirit to change hearts and lives.
*Doctrine: Westminster Standards | 教理:ウェストミンスター信仰基準
日本長老教会 (PCJ) の地域教会の一つとして、私たちはウェストミンスター信仰基準(ウェストミンスター信仰告白、ウェストミンスター大教理問答、小教理問答)に基づき福音宣教に取り組みます。これらの文書の権威は常に聖書そのものに次ぐものですが、聖書で教えられている教理体系を表すものとして認めています。
As a local church of the Presbyterian Church in Japan (PCJ), we are committed to pursuing gospel ministry based on the Westminster Standards, which include the Westminster Confession of Faith, along with the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms. Though these documents are always secondary in authority to the Bible itself, we accept them as representing the system of doctrine taught in Scripture.
Our Mission — 3 Things We Do
福音は全てを変えます! 私たちは神と(礼拝において)、お互いと(共同体において)、そして世界と(宣教において)の関係において、福音に生きることに尽くします。
The gospel changes everything! And we’re committed to living out its implications in our relationships with God (in worship), one another (in community), and the world (on mission).
1) Love God | 神を愛する
Enjoying and serving God in corporate worship and in daily life.
Demonstrated by:
Gathering together regularly as God’s people to worship him.毎日イエスさまと時間を過ごします。
Spending time with Jesus daily.生活の全ての領域において神の国をまず求めます。
Pursuing Kingdom priorities over personal gain in every area of life.
2) Grow Together | 共に成長する
Sharing life in authentic relationships around the gospel.
Demonstrated by:
Being known, confessing sin to one another and forgiving each other.福音を通して互いに教え、忠告し合う。
Teaching and admonishing one another through the gospel.互いを家族のように思いやる。
Caring for each other like a family.
3) Reach the World | 世に証しする
Being Christ's witnesses and making disciples where we live, work, study, and play…and to the ends of the earth.
Demonstrated by:
Praying for and befriending the lost.日々の歩みの中で言葉と行いにおいて福音を伝える。(私たち自身が良い知らせになり、良い知らせを語る)
Communicating the gospel, in word and deed, in everyday life.
(Being good news, telling good news)弟子と教会が増えるよう人に働きかける。
Investing in others to reproduce disciples and churches.
Core Distinctives | 核となる特徴
Missional Community | 宣教的コミュニティ
私たちは、イベントやプログラムそのものよりも、親密な小グループを通して弟子作り、お互いへのケア、そして霊的な成長を強調します。しかも私たちのコミュニティの生活は、私たちの証しの欠かせない部分です。ゆえに未信者が「 主がいつくしみ深い方であることを味わい見つめる」ようになることを願い、人々をコミュニティに迎え入れます。(詩篇34:8)
We emphasize disciple-making, care, and spiritual growth through smaller groups who are in each other’s lives, over events & programs. The life of our community is also an essential part of our witness, so we welcome unbelievers into our community, that they may “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8).
Family | 家族
We pursue discipleship through healthy expressions of family. This includes everyone experiencing the church as their spiritual family, as well as supporting singles in their life stage, fostering strong marriages, equipping parents to disciple their children, and including children as valued members of the church community.
Welfare of the City | 地域の福祉·繁栄
We seek the welfare of our city, participating in its stream of life when possible, and bringing gospel healing and hope to broken and hurting people.
Multiplication | 成長
Our aim is not simply to grow bigger, but to multiply disciples and churches.