信じていること | What We Believe
We believe the teachings of the orthodox Christian faith including the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed, which have been confessed by believers everywhere and in every age of the long history of the Christian Church. As a church belonging to the Presbyterian tradition, we also adhere to the teachings of the Westminster standards (Westminster Confession of Faith, Shorter and Longer Catechisms).
ストーリー | The Story We Believe
We believe in the story of the gospel of God as revealed in God's Word, the Bible, which is as follows:
The only true God the Father created the world. We human beings were created in the image of God and were given authority to rule the world God created as His representatives.しかしながら人は罪によって堕落し、神でないものに仕えるようになりました。
However, we humans became corrupted by sin and began serving things that are not God.しかし、神はその恵みのゆえに、御子イエス・キリストの十字架での身代わりの死を通して人類の贖い・救いを成し遂げて下さいました。
But in His grace, God has accomplished the salvation of humanity through Jesus Christ, the perfect image of God, who endured death on the cross in our place.信じる者には聖霊が与えられ、生き方が日々新しくされます。
And as the Holy Spirit is given to us, our lives will be renewed day by day.新しくされた者は神の家族となり、キリストの体なる教会を通して、この世界の良き管理者として地の塩、世の光として世界と人々に仕えます。
All who are thus renewed are made part of the family of God, the church, which is the Body of Christ, and serve as the good stewards of this world God created, having been called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.キリストは再び来られ、裁きと救いによってこの世界を回復し完成されます。
Christ will come again and complete the restoration of this world in judgment and salvation.
God Himself is planning and executing this "gospel salvation project," and we know it is God himself who invites everyone to participate in this project, in order to bring it to completion.