Movie Talk: Arthur Christmas (アーサー・クリスマスの大冒険)
6:30 PM18:30

Movie Talk: Arthur Christmas (アーサー・クリスマスの大冒険)

  • アップルタワーズ仙台アベリアタワー (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


1) 英語で映画を見て、2) その映画の話をディスカッションすることを通して、ムービートークは英会話練習の良いチャンスです。良い映画はよく人生、人間関係などの大切な質問を扱うので、映画の話をきっかけに、そういう話もします。ですから、ムービートークは意味のある事を話す良いチャンスです。

What is Movie Talk?
1. It is an opportunity to practice your English by watching a film in English (with subtitles to help you), and then talking about the film through a guided discussion.
2. It is also an opportunity to talk about things that really matter. Good films raise important questions about life, relationships, and more. So we use the film’s story to talk about these things.

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Grace Center Church Sendai 感謝祭ポットラック
11:00 AM11:00

Grace Center Church Sendai 感謝祭ポットラック


Grace Center will be having an American Thanksgiving celebration this week! We will thank God for all the ways he has blessed us this year. Then we will have a potluck lunch together. It will be in English and Japanese! Everyone is welcome! Let us know if you have any questions! Hope to see you there!

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グレースセンターリトリート | Grace Center Church Retreat
to Oct 27

グレースセンターリトリート | Grace Center Church Retreat

  • 聖ドミニコ女子修道会青野木修道院 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Grace Center will be having its first all-church retreat at St. Dominic Catholic Retreat Center on October 26 and 27! Worship on Sunday, October 27 will be at the retreat center. We look forward to enjoying time together playing and having fun, relaxing, and discussing our church’s mission and values. Hope to see you there!

The tentative schedule is as follows:

Sat 10/26

14:00 ~ 14:45 Arrive, get settled into rooms, tea time

15:00 ~ 15:45 Family Fun!

15:45 ~ 16:30 Free Time

16:30 ~ 17:50 Session 1: Church Vision and Values — Evaluation

17: 50 ~ 18:00 Break

18:00 ~ 19:00 Dinner

19:00 ~ 19:30 Free Time

19:30 ~ 21:00 Inductive Bible Study

21:00 Free Time

21:30 Worship team rehearsal

23:00 Lights Out

Sun 10/27

08:00 ~ 08:50 Breakfast

09:00 ~ 10:30 Morning Devotions and Prayer

10:30 ~ 10:50 Break

11:00 ~ 12:30 Worship

12:30 ~ 13:30 Lunch

14:00 ~ 15:00 Session 2:  Church Vision and Values — Moving Forward

15:00 ~ 16:00 Free Time

16:00 Return to Sendai

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Movie Talk: Inside Out
6:30 PM18:30

Movie Talk: Inside Out

  • アップルタワーズ仙台アベリアタワー (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

「Movie Talk」とは?

1) 英語で映画を見て、2) その映画の話をディスカッションすることを通して、ムービートークは英会話練習の良いチャンスです。良い映画はよく人生、人間関係などの大切な質問を扱うので、映画の話をきっかけに、そういう話もします。ですから、ムービートークは意味のある事を話す良いチャンスです。

What is Movie Talk?
1. It is an opportunity to practice your English by watching a film in English (with subtitles to help you), and then talking about the film through a guided discussion.
2. It is also an opportunity to talk about things that really matter. Good films raise important questions about life, relationships, and more. So we use the film’s story to talk about these things.

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ムービートーク | Movie Talk
6:30 PM18:30

ムービートーク | Movie Talk

  • 仙台アベリアタワー (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

「Movie Talk」とは?
1) 英語で映画を見て、2) その映画の話をディスカッションすることを通して、ムービートークは英会話練習の良いチャンスです。良い映画はよく人生、人間関係などの大切な質問を扱うので、映画の話をきっかけに、そういう話もします。ですから、ムービートークは意味のある事を話す良いチャンスです。

What is Movie Talk?
1. It is an opportunity to practice your English by watching a film in English (with subtitles to help you), and then talking about the film through a guided discussion.
2. It is also an opportunity to talk about things that really matter. Good films raise important questions about life, relationships, and more. So we use the film’s story to talk about these things.

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ファミリーフェローシップ | Family Fellowship
5:30 PM17:30

ファミリーフェローシップ | Family Fellowship

  • 泉区上谷刈5丁目24-3 Sendai, Miyagi, 981-3121 Japan (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

What is Family Fellowship

Family Fellowship is a time for families to enjoy fellowship with each other over food--an opportunity for evangelism and discipleship of young and old alike.   There is a 15-minute time where we share God’s word with our children, as well as time for adults to encourage one another along life’s journey as we learn to follow Christ. Come enjoy a nice meal with us, and bring family friends if you’d like.


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